• Campaigns
April 15, 2020

Announcing Volume 8 of Directions Journal

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation is excited to announce the publication of Volume 8 of Directions. This free publication contains academic papers published from September 2018-August 2019 on topics of Immigration and Nationalism, Hate Crime and Inequality, and Reconciliation. Read this volume below:

CRRF Directions EN FINAL 2020

Directions, the Canadian Race Relation’s journal, provides community-based, action-oriented research, commentary, and perspectives on eliminating racism and discrimination.

Disclaimer: This journal is provided for information and educational purposes only. The content published herein represents the work of its authors, researchers and other outside contributors and does not necessarily reflect the official policy, positions or beliefs of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.

Interested in submitting a paper? See our Call for Papers here.

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