- Statements
CRRF marks Emancipation Day

In 2021, Canada’s House of Commons unanimously designated August 1st as Emancipation Day.
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) honours the history and significance of this important commemoration.
The evils of the transatlantic slave trade robbed people of their human rights to dignity, health and free association. The brutal practice caused harm and pain that is still felt today.
The CRRF calls on all Canadians to root out any remnants of that legacy. It is important to ensure that our educational system does not minimize the horrors and that the truth of the institution is understood.
“This is an important day for people of all backgrounds because it provides a moment for us to individually and collectively pause and learn about painful historical events that are sadly part of our nation’s heritage,” said Orlando Bowen, CRRF Board member. “We must bravely acknowledge our history to ensure that the racist mindsets and attitudes that could justify such treatment of Black people are confronted today and every day as we go forward.”
The CRRF also honours those who fought to abolish slavery long before an act of parliament made it illegal. Emancipation day is a further opportunity to encourage and restate our support for those who strive to rid the world of systemic injustice and anti-Black racism.
To learn more about the history of the day, visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/campaigns/emancipation-day.html