• Announcements
June 06, 2024

CRRF’s National Anti-Racism Fund 2024 now open for new applications 

woman sitting in board room looking at tablet

Photo credit: Muriel Leclerc

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF)’s National Anti-Racism Fund (NARF) is once again calling for funding applications from organizations across Canada who are planning anti-racist events and youth initiatives in 2024-2025.   

Over the past year, the CRRF has funded more than 160 events and youth initiatives and provided more than $1 million in funding to organizations across Canada through NARF. The Fund supports events and youth initiatives to reduce systemic racism in Canada, promote and increase the availability and accessibility of community-informed, evidence-based research and data, inform public policy and create cross-cultural dialogue, awareness and collaboration on race and religion in this country. 

Real change always comes from community, and the CRRF’s National Anti-Racism Fund has supported community groups in bringing their crucial, innovative initiatives to life to address systemic racism in Canada. We’re looking forward to meeting the next generation of NARF grantees to lead this important work.

Mohammed Hashim, CRRF Chief Executive Officer

Applications seeking funding for events or youth initiatives that will take place between mid-September 2024 and June 30, 2025, must be submitted by 11:59 pm (EST) on July 31, 2024. 

For those interested in learning more, please register for upcoming virtual NARF information sessions, which will be held on June 19 (English) and June 20 (French)

If you have specific questions about the National Anti-Racism Fund, please send an email to: grants@crrf-fcrr.ca.  

About CRRF: 

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation is a Crown corporation committed to fighting racism in Canada. We work to strengthen the social fabric of our society by supporting, enabling and convening community groups and organizations through our grants, services and network of public, research and community partners. 

To stay up to date on CRRF news and updates, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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