The CRRF Act

The Purpose
The purpose of the CRRF, as defined by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act 1991, is “to facilitate throughout Canada the development, sharing and application of knowledge and expertise in order to contribute to the elimination of racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canadian society by:
(a) undertaking research, collecting data and developing a national information base in order to further understanding of the nature of racism and racial discrimination, and to assist business, labour, voluntary, community and other organizations as well as public institutions, governments, researchers and the general public in eliminating racism and racial discrimination;
(b) acting as a clearing-house, providing information about race relations resources and establishing links with public, private and educational institutions and libraries;
(c) facilitating consultation, and the exchange of information relating to race relations policies, programs and research;
(d) promoting effective race relations training and assisting in the development of professional standards;
(e) increasing public awareness of the importance of eliminating racism and racial discrimination;
(f) collaborating with business, labour, voluntary, community and other organizations, as well as public institutions and all levels of government, in instituting and supporting programs and activities; and
(g) supporting and promoting the development of effective policies and programs for the elimination of racism and racial discrimination.”*
*Excerpts from the Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act
Photo: Signing the Japanese Canadian Redress Agreement, September 22, 1988. From left: the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney PC, CC, GOQ, and Arthur K. Miki, CM, OM.
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act
Full Document for Printing
Act current to 2017-08-14 and last amended on 2013-06-26.
Source: Department of Justice