The CRRF strongly endorses ON Human Rights Commission 2nd Interim Report on Racial Profiling and Racial Discrimination by Toronto Police Service
August 11, 2010 – The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) strongly endorses the report of the Ontario Human Rights Commission into the discriminatory practices of the Toronto Police Service and calls for the adoption of the recommendations made in the report.
“A Disparate Impact begins with three chilling statements,” said Teresa Woo-Paw, Chairperson of the Board, CRRF. “‘Black people are more likely to be arrested by the Toronto police. Black people are more likely to be charged and over-charged by the Toronto Police. Black people are more likely to be struck, shot or killed by the Toronto police.’ This represents a state of affairs that is insupportable in a city which prides itself on recognizing the value of diversity and the important contributions that are made by the members of all communities.”
The first report by the Ontario Human Rights Commission – A Collective Impact, released December 2018, showed that Black people were more likely to be fatally shot by Toronto police than White people or people from other racialized groups. The current report shows that Black people, particularly Black males, are even more likely to be proactively arrested, charged and subjected to uses of force in a wide range of police interactions. The research team observed that these results are similar to the experience of African Americans in the United States.
“The Ontario Human Rights Commission is to be commended for undertaking this important work, which will conclude with the preparation and publication of a final report,’ said Ms Woo-Paw. “But the interim reports published so far make it clear that change and accountability is urgently needed. The causes of systemic anti-Black racism must be identified and addressed. Furthermore, the situation must be remedied in a way that that is respectful of the lived experience of the Black community and work to slowly rebuild trust with the Toronto Police Service.
About the Canadian Race Relations Foundation
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation mandate is to facilitate throughout Canada the development, sharing and application of knowledge and expertise in order to contribute to the elimination of racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canadian society. The work of the Foundation is premised on the desire to create and nurture an inclusive society based on equity, social harmony, mutual respect and human dignity. Its underlying principle in addressing racism and racial discrimination emphasizes positive race relations and the promotion of shared Canadian values of human rights and democratic institutions.