Official Statement from the Canadian Race Relations Foundation on the Declaration of January 29th as a National Day of Remembrance of Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia

TORONTO, January 29th, 2021- The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) welcomes the declaration by Minister Steven Guilbeault as the 29th of January a National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia. On this date every year from now on Canada will remember the victims of this horrible crime. Their names were Azzedine Soufiane, Abdelkrim Hassane, Mohamedou Tanou Barry, Ibrahima Barry, Aboubaker Thabti, Khaled Belkacemi.
Discrimination, in any form or medium, is unacceptable in Canadian society—particularly when it leads to acts of wanton violence and psychological trauma.
“The heinous attack on innocent worshippers four years ago is a reminder of why we as a nation must work together to eradicate Islamophobia and all types of hate from the fabric of Canada,” said CRRF Chair, Teresa Woo-Paw. “Federal government recognition of just how perilous Islamophobia is to our society is the first step on the path toward healing and learning for all Canadians.”
Yesterday’s declaration by Heritage Canada’s minister comes just days after CRRF released a report on hate speech and racism online in which 93 percent of Canadians indicated that they consider hate speech and racism a problem.
“It takes courage, especially in today’s climate, but we are heartened by this initiative,” said Mohammed Hashim, CRRF Executive Director. “We hope that remembrance of January 29th will have resonance with future generations of Canadians and will act as means of reflection on the lives lost to hate”.