In accordance with the Government of Canada’s policy on the publication of contracts over $10,000, this website provides information on contracts issued by or on behalf of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.

This website will be updated every three months to include information on new contracts awarded or amendments valued over $10,000.


Quarter 1 of 2019-2020 Fiscal Year 
Rymichel Holdings Ltd.$27,750
Silvertrust Media and Silvertrust Communications $10,000
 Quarter 2 of 2019-2020 Fiscal Year 
Rymichel Holdings Ltd.$15,000
Paisley Smith$12,000
Artless Collective Inc.$12,000
YÄNDATA INC .$12,000
Dr. Hooley McLaughlin$25,000
 Quarter 3 of 2019-2020 Fiscal Year 
Nothing to ReportN/A

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