- Research & Reports
Submissions of Canadian Race Relations Foundation in relation to the consultation on a Criminal Case Review Commission for Canada
Some causes of wrongful convictions are widely acknowledged. These include tunnel vision, flawed police investigations, faulty eyewitness testimony, evidence from unreliable in-custody informants, and erroneous science. In any given case, the presence of facts that support one or more of these errors raises the spectre of a wrongful conviction. The CRRF submits that the presence of an Indigenous or Black accused should have the same effect. Racism should be recognized as a factor contributing to wrongful convictions. From arrest to incarceration, Indigenous and Black persons are overrepresented at every stage of the Canadian criminal justice system. There is research to suggest that this disparity exists with wrongful convictions as well.
To read the full Criminal Case Review Submission of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation by Ms. Annamaria Enenajor and Ms. Harshi Mann, click the link below: