• Events
October 26, 2021

Voices of the Unheard: A Webinar Series on the Residential School System in Canada

The Canadian Race Relation Foundation (CRRF) is pleased to announce the launch of the virtual webinar series Voices of the Unheard: Examining the History, Legacy, and Reconciliation around the Residential School System in Canada.

This webinar series aims to keep the conversation going long after the discovery of thousands of unmarked graves has disappeared from the headlines. Each webinar will be centred around the voices, expertise, and experiences of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit who have either lived through the system or who have been touched by its sorrowful legacy.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity, and keep the conversation going!

The dates and times for each of these sessions are as follows:

Mohawk Indian Residential School Virtual Tour

Monday, October 25th at 1–3PM

This first session will be hosted in partnership with the Woodlands Cultural Centre. Participants will gain insight into the experience of being an Indigenous child at a residential school in Canada through a virtual tour of the former Mohawk Indian Residential School.

The History & Legacy of the Residential School System in Canada

Thursday, November 4th at 1–3PM

Panelists will discuss the why behind the residential school system and the mark that it has left on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people across the country.

The Act of Reconciliation & Allyship

Thursday, November 25th at 1-3PM

This webinar will be a conversation about the way forward. A discussion on how Canada’s settler population can act as allies to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people on this country’s journey to healing.

To register for this ground-breaking event, please follow this link:  Voices of the Unheard Event Registration

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