• Announcements
February 01, 2022

CRRF announces its partnership with Pfizer Canada

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) is proud of its partnership with Pfizer Canada. Pfizer Canada recently announced a new collaboration with the CRRF over three years to allow CRRF to create a series of dialogues on health equity and issues affecting racialized communities accessing health care and mental health services. CRRF will also conduct research to better understand the lack of confidence and the mistrust of the healthcare system within racialized communities. The research aims to find and highlight root causes and propose recommendations for addressing these inequities.

This year, the CRRF released a large sample national study on the state of race relations in 2021 with the support of Pfizer Canada. From this research, it was apparent that there is a further need for research, knowledge dissemination, and the promotion of a dialogue about health equity in the Canadian context.

Thank you to Pfizer Canada for supporting the CRRF and its work to eliminate racism and discrimination.

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