• Campaigns
May 27, 2022

#BlockHate campaign highlights the story of Linda Hoang during Asian Heritage Month

The latest instalment of the #BlockHate campaign features the story of Vietnamese Canadian Linda Hoang, an Alberta-based social media strategist, blogger, and co-founder of Stop Race Based Hate

Hoang became the victim of malicious online hate after speaking out online about the Freedom Convoy. She received hundreds of racist and threatening messages in her inbox.

Her story is part of the latest instalment of the #BlockHate campaign, a joint initiative of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and YWCA Canada launched in 2021. 

The campaign features racialized women who share their lived experiences as victims of online hate speech, and highlights the urgency of addressing online harms. Our final video will be launched in June during Indigenous History Month and will highlight the experiences of a female Indigenous journalist who was subjected to hate online.

The #BlockHate campaign appears on the Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts of CRRF and YWCA Canada.

Watch and share the videos to join the fight against online abuse, racism, and hate. #BlockHate

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