- Events
Telling Black Canadian stories: CRRF marks Black History Month with regional screenings of award-winning documentary ‘Black Ice’

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) is pleased to be co-hosting in-person screenings of a new documentary that unpacks the history of anti-Black racism in hockey, and the powerful contributions of Black Canadians in the sport.
Black Canadian communities have been present in all of the country’s national sports, including hockey, often called “Canada’s Game”. But the realities of anti-Black racism have too often been missing from the story.
Black Ice changes that. Directed by Oscar-nominated Hubert Davis and executive produced by LeBron James, Drake, and Maverick Carter, the film spotlights the experiences of Black hockey players from before the creation of the National Hockey League to present day.
Join the CRRF’s regional screenings to join in watching this powerful new documentary. After the film, engage in a discussion with experts on how we can confront anti-Black racism in Canadian hockey. Register for the upcoming screenings below:
Montreal on February 13 at Concordia University
Winnipeg on February 16 at the Museum for Human Rights
Halifax on Tuesday February 21 at the Canadian Museum of Immigration Pier 2
The film will be screened with English audio and French subtitles. French simultaneous interpretation is available for the panel event.
The documentary will be publicly available on streaming platforms on February 2nd.
Black History Month is an important time for Black Canadians and fellow Canadians to engage in dialogue. This year’s theme “Our Stories” demonstrates how important it is to spend the time to listen, learn, and grow.
CRRF has also sponsored events and programming across Canada centred around Black History Month:
Feb 1- 28 Première édition provinciale sur l’histoire des Noirs du Nouveau-Brunswick en images
Association Initiatives Afro-Canadiennes du Nouveau-Brunswick (AIAC-NB)
Feb 3 – Shared History Event: Black Pioneers Who Have Shaped Canada
Counterstory Conversations
Feb 10 & 17 Celebrating Black History Through Arts and Sport: A Dance Show, Soccer and Networking Event
Skills for Change of Metro Toronto
Feb 11- 25 Building the Resilience of the Black & Indigenous Youth for the 21st Century
London Black History Coordinating Committee C/O London Cross Cultural Learner Centre
Feb 28 #MaybeNextTime Campaign and Summit
Sisters in Sync
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Black Ice was an Official Selection at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival.