June 30, 2020

CRRF Canada Day Statement

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) is happy to join Canadians from coast to coast in celebration of the country’s birthday on July 1. Because we cannot celebrate in large groups this year, we invite you to celebrate with us virtually through the Oh Canada! Canada Day 2020 event organized by the Department of Canadian Heritage.

These past two weeks on social media the CRRF shared important relevant content and resources to help you reflect when celebrating Canada Day. We launched 7 documentaries from the CRRF that explore individual experiences with racism and discrimination. The series is intended to inspire conversation and continued advocacy for a more equitable Canada.

And as part of our We are Canada project, we also shared a series of profiles on exceptional community leaders contributing to Canadian society and showing the diversity and cultural wealth of Canada.

Being Canada’s leading organization dedicated to the elimination of racism and the promotion of harmonious race relations, we invite you to continue your reflection on racism in Canada during its birthday by exploring these CRRF resources:

1.       Doing the Right Thing

2.       Racism – Problems and Solutions

3.      Glossary

“At CRRF, we are proud of the exclusive, free on-line program we have developed that has bought together a “faculty” of subject matter experts to create a curriculum and a set of reading materials. Learners, drawn from multiple sectors, will read provided material and participate in courses led by faculty members who are experts in the topic of discussion, explains CRRF Executive Director Lilian Ma. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants that have completed each course.”

As we celebrate our country’s anniversary, why not commit to learn more about racism with the online CRRF courses or webinars?

Happy Canada Day!

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