Our 2023-2024 NARF Projects awardees include organizations who are delivering projects that address one or more of our key themes – addressing systemic racial barriers, research and education, public awareness or cultural and intercultural community-building. These projects are positioned to increase public awareness of public policy issues related to race relations, anti-racism, or anti-hate nationally, regionally, or in local communities and increase knowledge and capacity within communities to address racism and discrimination. 

221A Artist Run Centre Society
  • Location: British Columbia
  • Grant amount: $48,000
Action! Chinese Canadians Together (ACCT) Foundation
  • Location: Alberta
  • Grant amount: $80,000
Anti-Racism Coalition of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Location: Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Grant amount: $80,000
Auberge Francophone d’Accueil et des Services aux Immigrants
  • Location: Ontario
  • Grant amount: $60,000
Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
  • Location: Alberta
  • Grant amount: $62,000
Canada Palestine Cultural Association
  • Location: Alberta
  • Grant amount: $45,000
Centre culturel vietnamien du Canada
  • Location: Quebec
  • Grant amount: $40,000
Charité LEO (Leadership-Espoir-Opportunité)
  • Location: Ontario
  • Grant amount: $75,000
Chinatown Round Table of Montreal
  • Location: Quebec
  • Grant amount: $34,000
Coalition of Innovation Leaders Against Racism
  • Location: Ontario
  • Grant amount: $60,000
Council of Agencies Serving South Asians
  • Location: Ontario
  • Grant amount: $40,000
Dalhousie University 
  • Location: Nova Scotia
  • Grant amount: $75,000
  • Location: Quebec
  • Grant amount: $50,000
Entité de planification pour les des services de santé en français # 4 Centre Sud-Ouest
  • Location: Ontario
  • Grant amount: $80,000
Equitas- International Centre for Human Rights Education
  • Location: Quebec
  • Grant amount: $95,000
Femmes en Emploi 
  • Location: Quebec
  • Grant amount: $70,000
Immigrant and Refugee Services Association PEI Inc.
  • Location: Prince Edward Island
  • Grant amount: $50,000
Inclusion in Canadian Sports Network  
  • Location: Ontario
  • Grant amount: $50,000
Le Pôle
  • Location: Quebec
  • Grant amount: $70,000
Legacy of Hope Foundation
  • Location: Ontario
  • Grant amount: $40,000
Madhu Verma Migrant Justice Centre
  • Location: New Brunswick
  • Grant amount: $95,000
Manitoba Islamic Association 
  • Location: Manitoba
  • Grant amount: $40,000
PLEDJ: Promoting Leadership for Empowerment, Development and Justice
  • Location: Quebec
  • Grant amount: $100,000
Presse-Ouest Limitée
  • Location: Manitoba
  • Grant amount: $75,000
Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick Inc.
  • Location: New Brunwsick
  • Grant amount: $45,000
River Clyde Arts Inc.
  • Location: Prince Edward Island
  • Grant amount: $30,000
Saskatoon Open Door Society 
  • Location: Saskatchewan
  • Grant amount: $65,000
Shaar Shalom Congregation
  • Location: Nova Scotia
  • Grant amount: $45,000
Singa Québec
  • Location: Quebec
  • Grant amount: $25,000
The Mosaic Institute for Harnessing Diversity
  • Location: Ontario
  • Grant amount: $75,000
Ummah Society
  • Location: Nova Scotia
  • Grant amount: $45,000
Vancouver Asian Film Festival 
  • Location: British Columbia
  • Grant amount: $80,000
Wazin Ichinabi Ti House of Oneness Society
  • Location: Alberta
  • Grant amount: $30,000
Whistler Multicultural Society 
  • Location: British Columbia
  • Grant amount: $30,000
Yellowhead Indigenous Education Foundation 
  • Location: Alberta
  • Grant amount: $75,000
Yukon Human Rights Commission 
  • Location: Yukon
  • Grant amount: $110,000

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