Anne-Marie Pham

Anne-Marie Pham, MPA (she/her) is a first generation immigrant who has worked with diverse communities and workplaces for over 25 years. She has a deep understanding of community and workplace issues related to racism and discrimination, and specializes in mobilizing, educating and sharing the latest research and promising practices to support attitudinal and systemic change.
Anne-Marie Pham is currently the Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for Diversity & Inclusion, a national charity that supports workplaces, schools and communities to be equitable, inclusive, diverse and accessible, and to view diversity as an asset and not an obstacle.
Anne-Marie is an avid community builder and speaker on anti-racism, cultural competency, equity, inclusive leadership and allyship. She is a current member of the City of Calgary’s Anti-Racism Action Committee. She co-founded the Calgary Vietnamese Youth Association, the Calgary Diversity & Inclusion Network and the Asian Professional Network of Calgary, with the goals to identify needs, remove barriers, and build networks and allyship towards change. She received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee award for her community service in 2013 and the Government of Alberta Centennial Medal in 2005.
This is Anne-Marie’s second term as a CRRF Board member.