Dakota Kochie

headshot of Dakota Kochie


Dakota Kochie (he/him) is currently the Director of Government and External Affairs at the Nuclear Waste Management Organization. Dakota most recently wrapped up his role as Chief of Staff for the Assembly of First Nations, Canada’s largest advocacy organization.

 Dakota is a humble advocate for First Nations issues and continues to advise First Nations leaders on intergovernmental, budget, and economic development issues. He was appointed by the Minister of Environment to the Canadian Environment Domestic Advisory Group (CEDAG) for the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). Dakota has also worked for a Member of Parliament and worked on a number of federal, provincial, and municipal political campaigns.

In Dakota’s free time, Dakota is an avid kayaker, football fan, and a passionate advocate for Indigenous inclusion. Dakota is a proud Anishinaabe man from Pinaymootang First Nation (Treaty Two).

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