Race Relations in Canada 2024

Race relations in Canada 2024: A survey of Canadian public opinion and experience, is the third Canada-wide survey conducted by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and the Environics Institute for Survey Research documents Canada’s progress on issues related to racial discrimination across the country.
The 2024 edition identifies how Canadians’ perspectives and experiences concerning race relations in Canada have changed since 2021, as well as addressing new themes of current relevance.
The inaugural national survey was conducted in 2019, with subsequent waves conducted in 2021 and 2024. Comprehensive reports and data tables for the first two surveys in this series are publicly available at environicsinstitute.org. This report presents the results of the third survey in this series.
The results of a nationwide survey conducted by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) and the Environics Institute for Survey Research and sponsored by Pfizer Canada, confirm the reality and scope of racism in Canada and its effects on Canada’s racialized population.
The survey revisits the following themes from previous waves:
- The general state of race relations in Canada and local communities;
- Perceptions of the extent and type of racial discrimination, generally and against one’s own group;
- Personal experience with discrimination and racism;
- The impact of racism on health and well-being; and
- Local policing and the need for reform.
New themes in 2024 include:
- Experience with hate incidents and hate crimes. This is the first national survey to address this issue in depth, both in terms of personal and indirect experiences; and
- Attitudes, perceptions and experiences with respect to discrimination against Muslim and Jewish people in Canada.
Race Relations in Canada 2024
A survey of Canadian public opinion and experience
Race Relations in Canada 2024 – Plain Language Executive Summary
Coming soonThis is a plain language version of the report's executive summary.

About Environics Institute for Suvery Research
The Environics Institute for Survey Research was established by Michael Adams in 2006 with a mandate to conduct in-depth public opinion and social research on the issues shaping Canada’s future. It is through such research that Canadians can better understand themselves and their changing society.
For more information about this study, contact:
Keith Neuman, Ph.D.
The Environics Institute for Survey Research