• Announcements
April 20, 2023

Remembering the Holocaust, renewing the commitment to end antisemitism and celebrating Jewish Heritage

As communities commemorate Yom HaShoah this week, the Canadian Race Relations Foundation remembers all those who were persecuted and killed by the Nazi regime and its collaborators during the Holocaust and renews our commitment to end antisemitism and all forms of hate and discrimination in our society.

More than six million Jews lost their lives during the Holocaust, alongside others including Roma, LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and political dissidents.

In recent years, CRRF has been alarmed at a   rise in antisemitic incidents across the country. In 2021, Statistics Canada police-reported hate crimes revealed that hate crimes targeting Jewish individuals increased by 16% from the previous year.

The growing popularity of far-right extremist ideologies and the proliferation of hate speech on social media platforms have contributed to this rise. We all must speak out against antisemitism and other forms of hatred and intolerance, and work towards promoting understanding, acceptance, and respect for all members of our diverse society.

By working towards a society that values diversity, inclusivity, and respect, we can help prevent the tragedies of the past from repeating themselves. Let us use this day of remembrance to reaffirm our commitment to building a more just and compassionate world for all

Through our National Anti-Racism Fund, CRRF is proud to support an interactive testimony project from the Vancouver Holocaust Centre Society for Education and Remembrance, as well as the creation of the IWalk App at Ottawa’s National Holocaust Monument, which will feature an interactive virtual tour of the Monument.

As we move into Jewish Heritage Month this May, CRRF will be announcing some exciting upcoming events and partnerships. Stay informed by signing up for our newsletter and following us on TwitterLinkedInInstagram and Facebook.

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