Research and Reports

Inclusive municipalities: Resource

March 2025

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation collaborated with municipalities across Quebec to develop practical resources for more inclusive cities. Developed in consultation LABRRI researchers, these resources aim to support municipalities of all sizes in implementing policies that consider the specific needs and challenges faced by different communities and city departments.

Race Relations in Canada 2024

March 2025

Race relations in Canada 2024: A survey of Canadian public opinion and experience, is the third Canada-wide survey conducted by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and the Environics Institute for Survey Research documents Canada’s progress on issues related to racial discrimination across the country.

White cover page of report that says "Race Relations in Canada 2024" with the Environics logo and the CRRF logo - Page couverture blance du rapport Environics

New Report: Navigating New Horizons: The Contributions and Perspectives of Multicultural Canadians

November 2024

The CRRF is pleased to support new research from Imagine Canada that examines the levels of giving among Canada’s six largest minority groups, the causes they support, their motivations for donating, and the factors that may limit their contributions.

Hate Indicators: A Canadian Hate Crime Case Law Research Tool

November 2024

In 2024, the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF), in partnership with Western University’s Faculty of Law (Western Law), released Hate Indicators: A Canadian Hate Crime Case Law Research Tool. The tool is designed to provide user-friendly research support to prosecutors and others who work on hate crimes to help them effectively and efficiently find relevant case law.

Reflections on the first decade: Black Canadian leadership at the UN Forum for People of African Descent

February 2024

In 2023, the Canadian Race Relations Foundation & the Canadian Commission for UNESCO facilitated the attendance of 24 Black Canadian civil society leaders at the Second Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on People of African Descent. These are their experiences and perspectives.

Black Canadian National Survey – Final Report


The Black Canadian National Survey research project was carried out through York University's Institute for Social Research in partnership with the CRRF. The first of its kind, this national survey of Canadian ethnoracial populations explores social, political, and economic relations among races and ethnicities across the country, with a focus on systemic anti-Black racism in the major sectors and institutions of society.

Anti-Asian Racism in Canada: 2023 Study

July 12, 2023

A new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute in partnership with the CRRF finds many Asian Canadians burdened by judgements and mistreated based on their appearance and assumed associations.

Reimagining a path to support all Canadians

August 02, 2022

The CRRF conducted its own research through PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and found that many victims have nowhere to turn for support and there are major gaps and inconsistencies in the services available to victims. The CRRF based its recommendations on this report which can be read here.

A Disproportionate Burden

December 07, 2021

The CCPA report, A Disproportionate Burden, which was funded by the CRRF, also documents how Indigenous and racialized households have experienced greater economic hardship throughout the pandemic: From July 2020 to June 2021, an average of 28% of Indigenous Peoples and 31% of racialized individuals lived with economic insecurity compared to 16% of white individuals.

Blue report cover page for 'A Disproportionate Burden'

Poll on Racial Justice Priorities of the 44th Parliament

November 30, 2021

A new national survey from the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) and conducted by Nanos Research suggests that Canadians see discrimination as a problem and want immediate concrete action on the legislative and policy front to fight racism and promote equity.

Nanos report cover for the 44th parliament priorities

Race relations in Canada 2021: A survey of Canadian public opinion and experience

November 03, 2021

The results of a nationwide survey conducted by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) and the Environics Institute for Survey Research and sponsored by Pfizer Canada, confirm the reality and scope of racism in Canada and its effects on Canada’s racialized population.

Poll – Canadians React To The Discovery Of Remains At Residential Schools

June 14, 2021

A poll conducted by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, the Assembly of First Nations, and Abacus Data shows that the majority of Canadians believe governments are not doing enough to teach students about the legacy of the residential school system.

Black Canadian National Survey – Interim Report 2021

May 21, 2021

The Black Canadian National Survey quantifies the realities of over 5,000 racialized and non-racialized respondents from various regions across Canada on social issues concerning education, employment, criminal justice, healthcare, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uniquely hones in on Black Canadian voices by combining traditional survey techniques with newer social media tools.

Online Hate and Racism Survey

January 25, 2021

The findings of a poll conducted by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and Abacus Data released today indicate that 93 percent of Canadians believe that online hate speech and racism are a problem, including 49 percent who believe online hate speech and racism are very serious problems.

Perceptions Discrimination against Women in the Workplace

March 10, 2020

To mark International Women's Day the Association for Canadian Studies and the CRRF are releasing the results of a national survey on gender equality in the workplace with a focus on how discrimination may increases when gender identities intersect with immigrant and visible minority status.

Capturing the pulse of the Nation

March 06, 2020

Over the years, the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and the Association for Canadian Studies have generated a number of reports that aim at “Capturing the Pulse of the Nation” on issues of racism and discrimination.

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