CRRF Board of Directors
The CRRF’s strategic direction is vested in a Board of Directors consisting of a Chairperson and up to 11 additional members. Every effort is made to have a Board that includes members from across the country.
Board Structure
An Executive Director, who serves as Chief Executive Officer and an ex-officio member of the Board, manages the CRRF’s daily operations. The Governor in Council, acting on the recommendation of the Minister responsible for Multiculturalism, appoints all members of the Board and the Executive Director.
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act states that the Board of Directors must meet a minimum of twice a year. The Board meets three times a year in a different province or territory, where feasible.
Further information: Governor in Council appointments
Teresa Woo-Paw
Mohammed Hashim
Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Sophia Ali
Dany Assaf
Orlando Bowen
Dakota Kochie
Les Kojima
Reyhana Patel
Anne-Marie Pham
Roy Pogorzelski
Nancy Rosenfeld
Manju Varma
Jane Rabinowicz